What is Orchestration, and Why is it So Difficult to Scale?

In the ever-evolving landscape of IT infrastructure, the terms "automation" and "orchestration" are often thrown around, sometimes interchangeably. But let's clear things up—these concepts represent different levels of process efficiency. Understanding the distinction is crucial for any organization looking to streamline their operations and scale effectively.

Automation vs. Orchestration

So, what’s the deal with automation and orchestration? Think of automation as your trusty assistant. It takes care of repetitive tasks without you having to lift a finger—software updates, configurations, routine maintenance. It’s like setting a machine to do a specific job over and over again without needing your input each time.

Orchestration, however, is organized automation. Imagine a conductor leading an orchestra. Each musician (or automated task) knows their part, but they have to coordinate in order to produce beautiful music. The conductor ensures they all play in alignment with each other, in proper sequence, and according to the changing tempos and emotions of the piece. Orchestration coordinates multiple automated tasks to achieve a complex set of parallel and interacting workflows, handling dependencies and making sure everything works in harmony.

The Two Jobs of Orchestration

The genius of orchestration involves two important components that, when working together, can execute an extremely complex set of goals with dynamically changing and somewhat unpredictable tools.

  1. Decision-Making and Coordination: This is the visible execution of orchestration - the control and communication that a conductor like Gustavo Dudamel and Leonard Bernstein perform with the orchestra. It involves making decisions, managing workflows, and ensuring that all automated tasks are working in sync. This piece is responsible for the overall orchestration process, dictating what needs to happen and when. 

  2. State Management: This is the orchestrator’s awareness of what is going on at all times. Decision-making and coordination depend on state management to know what decisions need to be made. An expert conductor can draw out magical, intuitive performances by maintaining an auditory concept of the whole orchestra, down to the individual players. Likewise, an orchestrator keeps track of the state of all tasks and systems involved in its environment, ensuring that steps happen in proper sequence and tasks are assigned efficiently. State management is the mental score the conductor is following, overlaid on his real-time understanding of the notes being played by each musician, the relative volume, and any indications of faltering that may need to be compensated for.

By breaking orchestration down into its two crucial components, we can understand why an orchestration solution that only addresses coordination and decision-making might not fully meet the user’s needs. Coordination is only as powerful as the orchestrator’s ability to track and understand the changing state of the system it’s trying to coordinate. State management is therefore a vital piece that provides the necessary information to make informed decisions and maintain harmony in the workflow.

The Complexity of Orchestration at Scale

As organizations grow, the complexity of their IT environments goes through the roof. Orchestrating processes across numerous systems and services becomes a monumental task. This challenge gets even tougher when you need scalability, reliability, and consistency across different environments—be it on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edge.

When an architect or engineer is thinking about this growth in complexity, she has to envision not just more powerful decision-making and coordination across those systems. She must also provision greater capacity for state management that can encompass a broader common operating picture. At scale, this turns out to be the hard part.

The Challenge of Scaling State Management Tools

One of the trickiest parts of enterprise IT is scaling state management. The tools used for service discovery, configuration management, and maintaining distributed state in a cluster are often open-source key-value stores like Google’s Etcd and Apache’s Zookeeper. These tools are powerful, but they can become a real headache as systems that depend on them grow larger and more complex.

The underlying process that makes these tools so tricky is called Consensus. We’ll post a blog entry on why Consensus causes so many problems in the coming weeks, but in short it adds major complexity and can significantly degrade performance.  Setting up, configuring, and maintaining these tools requires specialized knowledge and significant time investment - especially if security is a concern. And, for mission-critical applications, those performance and complexity concerns can cause unacceptable risk of downtime. 

So, there are some serious tradeoffs involved with orchestration! For many organizations, dealing with these challenges is a distraction from their primary goals. Managing distributed systems isn't their core business, and the overhead can be a significant drain on resources.

How Cachai Simplifies Orchestration and State Management

Enter Cachai—a game-changer in the world of distributed systems orchestration. Cachai is designed to eliminate the headaches associated with managing tools like Etcd and Zookeeper, freeing up engineers from troubleshooting to focus on revenue-generating innovations.

Key Benefits of Cachai

  • Ease of Deployment: Cachai offers a streamlined deployment process. Whether you’re setting up in a data center, at the edge, or across multiple regions, Cachai simplifies the process, cutting down the time and expertise needed to get up and running.

  • Performance and Consistency: Cachai is built to deliver high performance and consistent state management, no matter the scale. Its robust architecture ensures your systems remain responsive and reliable as you grow.

  • Lower Downtime: With Cachai, the risk of downtime is minimized. Its failover mechanisms and resilient design keep your systems running smoothly, ensuring that your mission-critical applications stay available.

  • Expertise On Tap: When you adopt Cachai, you’re getting a plug & play product that incorporates 20 years of advanced distributed systems tuning & configuration expertise. But you’re also gaining access to a team of experts dedicated to your success. Our in-house expertise is part of the package, providing support and guidance to help you navigate any challenges. Say goodbye to long nights scrolling through tech forums and scattered logs to diagnose issues with open-source tools.

Real-World Example: Data Center Provider Case Study

To see Cachai in action, let’s look at a real-world example. A prominent data center provider faced significant challenges maintaining consistency and performance across regions on an aging Apache Mesos cluster. By implementing Cachai, they were able to:

  • Simplify deployment across their infrastructure

  • Enhance performance and provide cross-region consistency

  • Reduce downtime and improve cluster visibility

This allowed them to focus on their core business—delivering top-tier data center services—without being bogged down by the complexities of state management.

Try it Today

Orchestration at scale is no small feat, and the challenges of managing tools like etcd and Zookeeper can be overwhelming. Cachai offers a solution that simplifies deployment, enhances performance and consistency, and reduces downtime, all backed by a team of experts dedicated to your success.

By leveraging Cachai, you can remove the burden of complex state management and focus on what you do best—growing your business and delivering value to your customers.

Ready to simplify your orchestration and state management? Contact us today to learn more about how Cachai can transform your IT infrastructure.


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